PH Liquid Belgium nv

Company strategy

worldwide line production service through the internet in 14 languages, with the existing book "The Up-to-Date Meat Industry" - technology - Economy - Line production

Ideas and research using a 35-year old group strategy :

PH Liquid Organization is developing a worldwide strategy for buffer systems for the fisch and meat industry, in cooperation with the R & D laboratories of the suppliers for PH Liquid Extract®, Bufferfosfaat®, Bufferliquid extract®, Gela Gelatine® and Gela Liquide®.

PH Liquid Belgium NV is a newly established company with a new and unique strategy dealing with advanced line productions and information for the fish and meat industries. The buffer systems are based on 35 years of practical experience by cooperating group companies, such as CSD Organization - Food Chemicals - Demac - Anzimac - CSD do Brazil. The most important company is Chemicals Holding Group, which is in charge of all raw material supplies for manufacturing PH Liquid Extract and Buffer Phosphate.
This new company is characterized by the unique aspect that it concentrates all scientific and practical knowledge (i.e. brand products, patents, know-how, etc..).

The further strategy is simple :
On the entire world market sister companies carrying the same names and sharing the same objectives are being established.

The supply of raw materials and liquid assets is unlimited because the system is based on the following principle :

value - money - value = liquid assets

theory - practice - theory

The advantage of the company lies in the fact that it has virtually no personnel costs because only one person coordinates its business, while the orders are carried out by sister companies. This new strategy provides the organization with speed and flexibility, using up-to-date line production systems and the lowest costs for supplying raw materials to the fish and meat industries, in order to offer the following brand products :

  • PH Liquid Extract® : codes 601 - 6014 - 60148
  • Buffer Liquid Extract® : fisch industry
  • Buffer Phosphate® code 60150 : fishproducts
  • Buffer Phosphate®, code 60151 : boiled hams
  • Buffer Phosphate®, code 60152 : all heated cutter products
  • Red Star®, code 60153 : mix of home-made ham curing
  • Red Star®, code 60157 : mix of industrial hams
  • Red Star®, code 60158 : mix of picnic hams
  • Protex®, code 60 : carrageen mix
  • Protex®, code 60150 : soy isolate mix for heated cutter preparations
  • Gelaliquid®
  • Gelagelatin®

Next to that, it is possible to develop specific formulas and line productions for a specific company.
It goes without saying that our highly secret is only put at the disposal of the users of our brand products.
For further cooperation through your R & D department, do contact us via e-mail in order to develop new or improved line productions, i.e. in terms of cost, quality and buffer systems.

Home | Introductions | Company strategy | PH Liquid Extract | Bufferphosphaten | Gela Liquid | Bufferprocess cooked hams | Information